Certified Mental Trainer (30 CPD Credits)
Certified Mental Trainer
The Certified Mental Trainer online course is a high quality course developed by Nordic Coach & NLP Academy (NOCNA). This online training introduces you to the world of mental training and teaches how knowledge from mental training can be used in different contexts. This training awards 30 hours of Continuous Professional Development (CPD).
Nordic Coach & NLP Academy (NOCNA) has received formal independent CPD accreditation, and is a Registered Provider with the CPD Standards Office. All delegates attending this course will be issued with a CPD Certificate of Attendance, which can be used within formal CPD record for a professional body, institute or employer. This activity equates to 30 CPD Credits/Points.
The Mental Trainer course is open to all who would like to enter the world of Mental Training. It’s for individuals who are passionate about helping others to unleash their inner potential and resources, set goals and achieve them. There are no pre-requisites and the course is open to all.
Have you ever wondered about the difference between peak achievers, and those who are just trying? A Mental Trainer has a whole toolbox of techniques to transform the tryer into an achiever.
30 hours of Continued Professional Development (CPD). Final multiple choice exam.
Normal price €835
Norway’s leader in NLP, Coaching, Mental Training and Mindfulness.
29 years of experience
NOCNA is the leader in the field
International credits (CPD)
NOCNA has issued over 5000 CPD points over the past year
Market leader
NOCNA has held more than 250 NLP & Coach courses
Training / education
NOCNA offers more than 32 different courses and educations
Nordic Coach & NLP Academy (NOCNA) has received formal and independent CPD accreditation, and is now a registered supplier at the CPD Standards Office in England. All participants in this course will be issued with a CPD certificate, which can be used in a professional context up to the employer or trade union. This education gives you 30 CPD Credits.
Do you want to learn more about what it takes to become a peak achiever? And learn how to train the mind for desired physical and emotional results? Would you like to know the tools for more focus and better performance? Mental Trainer Certification Course is a wonderful toolbox for changework; for developing thinking, identifying and accessing resources and creating the necessary emotions for motivation and drive.
As a Mental Trainer you will have a solid toolkit for working with individuals, groups and teams within health, sport, business, personal development and career. It is also perfect for you personally if you want to develop as an individual within different areas of your own life. It is a perfect supplement for your career achievements and aspirations.
Successful Mental Trainers use powerful, effective and inspiring techniques for growing stronger mentally and emotionally. These techniques are essential when working with athletes, corporate people, coaching clients, sales and marketing people and achievers. The course includes following topics:
- Attitudes
- Focus
- Coaching questions
- Commitment
- Getting mentally tough
- Motivation
- Emotions
- Awareness
- Visualization
- Mindfulness
- Goalsetting
- Developing a vision
- Beliefs and Values
- Strategies
Aims and objectives:
The NOCNA Mental Trainer Certification Course is designed to provide you with essential knowledge, skills and presuppositions to become an effective practitioner of Mental Training. NOCNA follows a core syllabus offering minimum competencies, knowledge and practical skills for certification. Through the online learning activities and assignments, you will discover how to recognize and utilize basic patterns of language, physiology and inner experience to develop competence with fundamental mental training tools and techniques.
Learning outcomes:
- Learn basic mental training skills
- Learn how to create compelling, successful goals (well formed outcomes)
- Learn how to understand oneself and others when it comes to performance
- Learn about the importance of physiology and state management
- Learn about the importance of physiology and state management
- Learn about how attitudes, commitment and motivation affect performance
- Learn how breathing, visualization and mindfulness is essential for performance
You can progress with your online studies at your own tempo. You can choose how fast you wish to complete your course, and you can deliver your assignments as and when you wish. Assignments can be completed in English, Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish. or Danish.
As a Mental Trainer you will have an effective skill-set that creates awareness of the factors that build identity and self-esteem, thought patterns, strategies, visualization, development of influence and communication skills, developing the ability to handle demands of many kinds, reality and self-management. These are powerful tools and skills for everyday life, whether you are a coach, NLP Practitioner, health professional, business coach, psychologist, teacher, or active in any other professional field.
You will learn about the psychological factors that determine optimal performance, and how awareness and knowledge of the subconscious interaction between thoughts, feelings and actions results in practical competency and achievement.
Upon successful completion of the course you will be awarded a certificate as a Certified Mental Trainer from Nordic Coach & NLP Academy. You will also be credited with 30 hours of CPD on your certificate
It was a big pleasure to be a student of this online Mental Trainer course. It was very interesting to read all the material that was provided in this course, and I enjoyed the practical part as well. I gave this course my very best and put a great effort to all my assignments and other exercises. The best part is that it felt so natural and easy to understand and implement all the learnings. – A. Gordan, Leader, Mental TrainerThe experience of the course is that it’s a good way to work step by step. It’s an effective way to complete the course. I work as a personal trainer, so the use of mental training is quite relevant. If a client has a problem/case can mental training be a useful tool to help the client fix the problem/case. I can use mental training to be an even better conversation partner for my close ones. The tasks and exercises felt good and relevant, so I’m happy with the content I’ve been working with. I am happy about my knowledge in mental training. I feel I have a good platform to further develop my mental training skills. – E. Jensen, Mental trainer, Personal Trainer
Veldig fornøyd med kurset og opplevelsen av kurset, som en som har hatt vansker med læring alle mine år på skolen så var dette en liten selvtillitsboost, det har nok litt med at det virkelig er noe jeg interesserer meg for også, men fremdeles er opplevelsen av kurset og dets oppbygging og oversiktlighet veldig bra. – K. Naley, Mental Trainer, Coach
I have had a very good experience with the Mental Trainer course. The E-books have been easy to read and understand with easy, clear and accessible material. The course have been well structured, both learning wise, but also the logistic of the website. I like that the assignments have been open to reflection and interpretation. I think the tasks /exercises have been good. They have been very open and I have always had the option to write them or do a video/audio. – A.Steirud, Musician, Mental Trainer
Jeg synes dette har vært et svært bra kurs, og synes det har gitt meg faglig påfyll og motivasjon både privat og profesjonelt for å fortsette som coach. Jeg er veldig fornøyd med oppgavene underveis. Jeg synes vekslingen mellom tekst, oppgaver og lydfiler har vært bra, da jeg liker variasjon. Jeg var sertifisert Business & NLP Coach, Helsecoach og Kostholdscoach på forhånd, i tillegg til at jeg har interessert meg mye for mental trening så og si hele livet. Jeg bruker dette både bevisst og ubevisst på daglig basis både på meg selv, familien (kanskje spesielt viktig mht barna), og som fotballtrener. – C. Vebner, Mental Trener, Fotballcoach, Profesjonell Coach, Helsecoach
The overall experience of the online Mental Trainer course has been wonderful and beneficial in many ways. The content of the course was quite thorough and well paced. It also provided a great foundation and framework to build upon, no matter what one’s level of knowledge was when starting the program. My level of knowledge has expanded ten folds in the duration of this course and has sealed a sense of professionalism into my work as a coach/ mental trainer. – I.Mohideen, Mental Trainer, Life Coach, Mindset Coach
I found the course inspiring and I am more motivated to get started now than I was before the course. At the start of the course, I had almost no knowledge. I have put a lot of effort into the course. I found the contents interesting and easy to learn (easy language). I can use Mental Training to deal with difficult colleagues, and I can use mental training as my career. I can use Mental Training when I am competing with my horse, to up my game and perform even better. I found the tasks/exercises interesting. I am very satisfied with my knowledge at the end of the course. – C. Nyblom, Mental Trainer, Leader, Coach
I am very happy with the course. I got a deeper understanding of Mental Training and learn useful exercises and how to change your thoughts and see things from another perspective and get unconsciousness to adapt which was very interesting. The slides were very informative. A nice setup of the course. I am very satisfied with the tasks and the way it gives me freedom to interpret what I have learned. – M. Farsund, Mental Trainer, Leader
The overall experience is that I have worked through a course made by experienced and professional trainers. I have used Mental Training for personal development both personally and in my career. I have gained confidence, changed my lifestyle and mindset. I will use Mental Training to help others, to motivate and spread positivity in my workspace and career. I can guide and help my family through life’s challenges, help them to create good habits, to take better decisions and to be a good role model. I am satisfied with the tasks and how the course is built. Mental training is essential for make lasting and big changes in your life. – M. Eriksen, Mental Trainer, CEO, Consultant
Strukturen passet meg godt, med oppdelte temaer; kunnskap og oppgaver. Innholdet var fantastisk spennende og noe jeg håper og tror at jeg vil kunne bruke i både med mine kolleger og familie. Nyttig på jobb: Jeg kan bruke det jeg har lært både i relasjon med kandidater som søker på stillinger og som rollen som salgsansvarlig (inkl. salgscoaching).
– H. Einerkjær, Salgsansvarlig, Mental Trener, Business & NLP Coach, Certified Professional CoachDen totale opplevelsen av kurset er veldig bra. Jeg synes at jeg har fått godt utbytte av kurset og det har gitt meg en grundig innføring i mental trener stoffet, samtidig som det er lettfattelig og godt presentert. Jeg tenker å starte eget firma som skal tilby bedriftsrådgivning og i den sammenheng vil jeg kunne bruke mine kunnskaper som mental trener. Jeg er svært fornøyd med NOCNA, de driver sine kurs på en seriøs og profesjonell måte. – L. Mittet, Business Coach, NLP Coach, Mental Trener
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