• Online Courses

    Students from different countries enroll at the Nordic Coach & NLP Academy training courses, both those online and those with physical attendance. Many also download our ebooks or mindfulness and meditation products online. Downloadable courses from the internet are available in English and Norwegian, enabling you to study at your own pace while you work, stay at home, or travel and tailor to your own schedule. Nordic Coach & NLP Academy brings professionalism to the field of NLP, Coaching, Meditation/Mindfulness, Mental Training and Hypnotherapy and the credentials are within your reach.

    Nordic Coach & NLP Academy has set new standards within the fields of Meditation/Mindfulness, NLP, Coaching, Health Coaching, Energy Medicine and Health Promotion that other schools have yet to achieve. NOCNA is the first NLP and coaching school to see a real need for a Nordic structured educational path in these areas and is continually researching, developing, and expanding as the de-facto leader in the field of NLP education and creating new career paths to expand, evolve and grow. NOCNA is a dynamic adult academy that grows with changes as humanity awakens, discovers, raises consciousness and evolves.


    Life Will Never Be The Same!